Night Orient Pvrezero

product code: 5425030342459
in stock
700 mL
700 mL
Serve temperature, °C:
Juniper berries, cardamom, coriander, oranges, bitter oranges, lime, cinnamon, orange blossoms, violets, hibiscus, lavender and myrtle are the 12 botanicals present in GINZERO. To be enjoyed chilled.
Gin is very popular with fans of white spirits and cocktails so the existence of an alcohol-free version may surprise lots of people. It was created several centuries ago. There now exists PVREZERO 12 Botanics, an alternative to gin, light and dry, with typical citrus aromas, ideal for a classic “Gin & tonic”, but which is also suitable for an infinite number of cocktails. Juniper berries, cardamom, coriander, oranges, bitter oranges, lime, cinnamon, orange blossom, violet, hibiscus, lavender and myrtle are the 12 Botanics in our PVREZERO Alternative to GIN 12 Botanics.
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ул. Казбек 59
ул. Христо Ботев 65
ул. Екзарх Йосиф 30
бул. Джеймс Баучер