1233 Vodka Luxury Apple

product code: 5907377009399
in stock
700 mL
Alcohol by volume:
700 mL
A series of new, flavored vodkas, the name of which commemorates the year 1233, when Toruń (still as a town) received city rights. These editions include apple vodka and grape-flavored vodka. Both pay tribute not only to the long history of the city they come from, but also to recipes from two centuries ago, when they were first drawn up. 1233 Anno Domini Apple is made of high-quality, aged apple distillate. Its taste and aroma are filled with delicate notes of wood and fresh fruit. This is a unique vodka proposition that will surely be appreciated by the most demanding palates.
Availability in stores
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ул. Казбек 59
ул. Христо Ботев 65
ул. Екзарх Йосиф 30
бул. Джеймс Баучер