Baglio Gibellina U... Passimiento Nero d'Avola Frappato Sicilia 2018

product code: 8053626470278
in stock
750 mL
Alcohol by volume:
750 mL
The grapes of Frappato are harvested at the earliest maturation, so that all the typical freshness remains in the must that, at a very slow fermentation, is then placed in small steel tanks. The grapes of Nero d’Avola instead, are left on the vines for a light withering and for the natural dehydration. They are late harvested and with extreme care placed in wooden cases. After a soft pressing the musts ferment at controlled temperature. The two musts evolve according to their typical features and when our “maestro” decides, they are slowly blended, within the time and the proportions required by the single harvest. The natural sweetness of the wines is obtained by interrupting the fermentation through the “cold” process. The wine matured for some month in steel tanks.
From the old vineyards shaken by intense pulsions that rise from the deep roots of the earth to shake the best grapes, this wine comes to life with the authentic Mediterranean fragrance, vibrant at the hot winds from the South and at the cold winds from the North. Our master of the vineyard, “maestro”, decides the time of the harvest and as a conductor from the different elements creates the harmony of “u…passimiento”.
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ул. Казбек 59
ул. Христо Ботев 65
ул. Екзарх Йосиф 30
бул. Джеймс Баучер

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