Brandy Athos Riserva

product code: 80269700
Sorry, not available
700 mL
Alcohol by volume:
700 mL
This is the distillate obtained from the distillation of white and red wine from the Veneto region, together with some selected productions from Romagna. Its harmonious flavor and aroma leave a velvety persistence on the palate. The distillate of wine has always existed, that is since the producers, especially those of modest and artisanal dimensions, distilled the wine they produced to obtain alcohol. This product, however, was not valued as it was in the late 1970s - early 80s, during which the various types of wine present in the area were selected and distilled.
Availability in stores
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ул. Казбек 59
ул. Христо Ботев 65
ул. Екзарх Йосиф 30
бул. Джеймс Баучер